journaling the slow life
in the suffolk countryside
Recent posts
A Seasonal Shift: Autumn
Rural Reads III: Hollow Places
A Seasonal Year: Twelve Months in Six Photographs
Rural Reads II: Wilding
Brighter Skies: The First Days of Spring
Rural Reads I: The Lost Words
5 Simple Rituals to get you Back in the Present
Hunkering-Down: The Virtues of the Winter Larder
5 Rural Reads: a Book List for 2021
Memories of December Snow - Part II
Memories of December Snow - Part I
A Foggy Morning and Comfort Cooking
The True History of the Jack-O'-Lantern
Supreme in State: The Oak Tree and the Hall
The Slow Art of Tea
Woodland Walking
Staying Slow in Lockdown
Midsummer Rituals
Anthriscus Sylvestris: Cow Parsley or Fairy Lace
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