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journaling the slow life
in the suffolk countryside
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Garden Reading, part one
In his recently published The Accidental Garden, Richard Mabey focuses his wild perspective on a surprising topic: the domestic garden.
Oct 10, 20243 min read

F is for Figs
Nothing seems to celebrate the end of Summer better than the taste of a fig plucked warm from the tree.
Aug 31, 20243 min read

Among Old Friends: The Importance of Ancient and Veteran Trees
The recording of ancient trees is important, urgent work: despite their ecological and historical importance, few are protected in the UK.
Jun 11, 20234 min read

D is for Dandelions
For many of us, the dandelion is synonymous with childhood summers’ days, but dandelions aren’t just beautiful; they are also edible.
Apr 15, 20233 min read

Flowers: an Unexpected Obsession
Flowers bring together so many things that are important to me: the environment, creativity, the appreciation the small details.
Jun 20, 20225 min read

Chive Flower Butter: Capturing the Taste of Early Summer
This simple herb butter is a wonderful way to add the rich flavour of freshly cut chives to a meal.
Jun 9, 20222 min read

C is for Chives
Chives may not star in many dishes, but few herbs is as reliable, as beautiful, as good to the garden, or as indicative of early Summer.
May 29, 20223 min read

Walking with Trees: a new exhibition
Woodlands are escape from the world. A place to heal. This power of trees is highlighted in the new exhibition in Bury St Edmunds
Apr 18, 20223 min read

B is for Brussels Sprouts
Is there any vegetable that divides opinion as much as the humble Brussels sprout? It certainly divides our household...
Jan 29, 20224 min read

Garden Diaries, part 5
The garden has metamorphosised - as it does every year - from sad greyness into burgeoning green, becoming a place we want to spend time in.
Sam & Elle
Jul 18, 20215 min read

No Mow May
Throughout May, we have been letting our garden run wild to support No Mow May. But what exactly is it, and why is it important?
Sam & Elle
May 29, 20215 min read

A is for Asparagus
The first sighting of asparagus heralds the beginning of summer eating: afternoons on the patio and light, colourful, seasonal vegetables.
May 11, 20214 min read

Garden Diaries, part 4
The garden has been a source of brightness throughout the winter. We've spent the last few months getting ready for the year's growing!
Sam & Elle
Mar 28, 20215 min read

Garden Diaries, part 3
These are the months of harvest. The time of return, when the garden finally gives something back for the months of work you've put in.
Sam & Elle
Oct 10, 20206 min read

Broad Bean and Chard: a Risotto for a Summer Glut
I am a recent convert to the summer risotto: this light, clean dish is a perfect way to showcase the freshness of your summer produce.
Aug 9, 20203 min read

Garden Diaries, part 2
Growing our own food, and making the garden a place in which we want to spend time has definitely been high on our list of priorities.
Sam & Elle
Jul 12, 20206 min read

The First Garden Produce: A Bright, Fresh Bruschetta with Broad Beans, Tomatoes and Mozzarella
It's been a busy morning gardening, and now I'm hungry. Thankfully, we've harvested our first broad beans for a bright, fresh bruschetta.
Jul 5, 20203 min read

Anthriscus Sylvestris: Cow Parsley or Fairy Lace
Often taken for granted, cow parsley is a staple of countryside verges: tiny flowers like white paint splattered amongst the greenery.
May 27, 20202 min read

Garden Diaries, part 1
It had to be said, our small garden was in a sorry state: what the neighbours must have thought?!? We had a lot of work ahead of us!
Sam & Elle
Apr 14, 20207 min read
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